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Regarding the Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for the bovine semen from Hungary to China

According to China's relevant laws and regulations and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture on China's import of bovine semen from Hungary quarantine and sanitary conditions, with immediate effect, allows the import of Hungarian bovine semen products that meet the relevant requirements.



1. Inspection and quarantine basis

(1) ‘People's Republic of China Biosafety Law’;

(2) ‘People's Republic of China Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine Law’ and its implementing regulations;

(3) ‘General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture on China's import of bovine semen from Hungary on the quarantine and health requirements of the Protocol’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Protocol’).


2. Permitted Import Commodities

Bovine semen.


3. Quarantine approval requirements

(1) The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as Hungary), after confirming that the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as China) has issued a quarantine permit for the import of bovine semen, may implement inspection and quarantine in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on the conditions of donor bulls, test animals and semen collection.

(2) Each quarantine permit for imported bovine semen allows only one batch of bovine semen to be imported.


4. Requirements for animal health conditions

4.1 Hungary confirms that there is no foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, bluetongue type 8, bovine contagious pleuropneumonia, or peste des petits ruminants in its territory. In case of the above diseases, Hungary shall promptly notify China of the situation, including: the name of the disease, the location and specific address of the farm where the disease occurs, the type and number of infected animals, and the control measures that Hungary has taken, and immediately stop the export of bovine semen to China.

4.2 Hungary confirms that

4.2.1 the province where the semen centre is located is free of rabies.

4.2.2 the semen collection centre from which the semen is exported is free of Rift Valley fever, bovine nodular dermatosis, vesicular stomatitis, deer epidemic haemorrhagic fever, bluetongue, bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis, bovine endemic leukaemia for at least three years and free of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis, foetal bends mycobacteriosis, trichomoniasis, borderline worm, bovine viral diarrhoea/mucovial disease, paratuberculosis, and leptospira for at least two years (or in the case of the No cases for one year with testing, culling and disinfection procedures in place).

4.2.3 All donor animals in the sperm collection centre shall be free of rabies for a period of five years prior to the first collection of semen for export to China and six weeks after the last collection.

4.3 Hungary shall carry out regular testing of all animals in the semen centre, including donor bulls and test animals, in accordance with the regulations of the EU and Hungary.

4.4 In the event of the occurrence of a disease referred to in paragraph 4 (b) in a semen centre registered by both Parties, Hungary shall promptly notify China and cease to issue quarantine certificates for that centre.

4.5 All animals in a semen centre, including donor bulls and test animals, shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the Protocol at least 30 days prior to the first collection of semen and the results shall be negative.


5. Requirements for semen centres

The semen centre which intends to export bovine semen to China shall be approved and supervised by Hungary and registered by China and shall meet the following requirements:

(1) The semen centre shall comply with Hungarian and EU regulations and the standards of the Protocol;

(2) The semen centre shall be located in a place where national monitoring procedures for the prevention, control and eradication of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in accordance with the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) are implemented;

(3) The semen centre shall comply with WOAH standards for semen production and processing.


6. Requirements for donor bulls and test animals

6.1 Donor bulls have a unique and durable identification and are registered in Hungary and can be traced back;

6.2 The donor bull shall be at least 1 year old and has never been used for natural mating;

6.3 The donor bull shall have been born in Hungary or introduced by legal means, shall have been introduced with strict protection against bluetongue disease in accordance with Hungarian and EU regulations and shall have been kept in a semen collection centre for at least 6 months (including quarantine period) prior to sperm collection;

6.4 The donor bull was born after the implementation of the ban on ruminant feed (i.e. after 1 January 2001) and has never been fed with protein of ruminant origin or feed containing protein of ruminant origin prohibited by the Hungarian feed ban. In the case of imported cattle, they shall come from countries where the risk of BSE is controlled or the risk is negligible;

6.5 The donor bull is free from the following hereditary diseases: Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (for the Holstein breed), Complex Vertebral Malformation (for the Holstein breed), SHGC (for the Montreal breed), Brachyspina (for the Holstein breed), Zinc Deficiency (for the PezzataRossa breed), Haplotype of the Bruna 2 (for the PezzataRossa breed), Haplotype of the Fleckvieh breed), Zinc Deficiency (for the PezzataRossa breed), Haplotype of the Bruna 2 (for the PezzataRossa breed), Haplotype of the Fleckvieh 5 (for the PezzataRossa breed).

6.6 All donor bulls and test animals shall be clinically examined 30 days prior to semen collection and prior to semen transport to confirm that they are free from signs of the diseases listed in paragraphs four (i) and four (ii) above.

6.7 All animals in the semen centre, including donor bulls and test animals, shall be tested for the following diseases as required, and the results shall be negative before export.

6.7.1 Bovine tuberculosis: negative intradermal tuberculin test twice a year.

6.7.2 Bovine brucellosis: negative ELISA test or BBAT test within 30 days before the first sperm collection and 21-60 days after the last sperm collection.

6.7.3 Bovine endemic leukaemia: within 30 days before the first sperm collection and within 21-60 days after the last sperm collection, the lymph nodes are not enlarged and the immunoagar diffusion test (AGID) or ELISA test is negative.

6.7.4 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis: within 30 days before the first sperm collection and within 21~60 days after the last sperm collection, the results of serum neutralisation test (serum dilution 1:2) or ELISA test are negative.

6.7.5 Campylobacter foetus: Negative results of Campylobacter foetus isolation culture or PCR test twice a year.

6.7.6 Trichomoniasis: 2 times per year with negative sorting culture and direct microscopy or PCR test.

6.7.7 Leptospira: within 30 days before the first sperm collection and within 21-60 days after the last sperm collection, the results of microagglutination test for Leptospira (serotypes including: sejroe, hardjo, pomona, canicola, grippotyphosa, icterohemmorrhagiae) are negative.

6.7.8 bovine viral diarrhoea: before entering the semen centre, the donor bull was tested for virus isolation or virus antigen and was negative for antibodies by serological testing (serum neutralisation test or ELISA); the donor bull was negative for antibodies by serological testing (serum neutralisation test or ELISA) within 30 days before the first semen collection and within 21-60 days after the last semen collection.

6.7.9 Bluetongue disease (semen collected after 2016): the donor bull is negative by serological test (AGID or serum neutralisation test or ELISA) (at least every 60 days during the semen collection period and within 21~60 days after the last semen collection). Or blood samples from donor bulls are negative by pathogenetic testing (virus isolation or PCR test) (testing at first and last sperm collection and virus isolation test at least every 7 days during sperm collection or PCR test at least every 28 days).

6.7.10 Schmallenberg disease (semen collected after 1 June 2011): 1 serological test (SN or ELISA) within 21-60 days after the last semen collection of the donor bull is negative, and each batch of exported semen samples is tested for the Schmallenberg virus by RT-PCR and the result is negative.

6.7.11 Paratuberculosis: Negative by ELISA within 30 days before the first sperm collection and within 21-60 days after the last sperm collection.

6.7.12 Q fever: within 30 days before the first sperm collection and within 21-60 days after the last sperm collection, the result of ELISA test is negative.

6.8 Once a positive test for the diseases mentioned in paragraphs 6(5) and 6(7) above is found, the semen of the positive donor bull shall not be exported to China, and the positive animal shall be removed and quarantined immediately.

6.9 The semen of donor bulls that die of disease or are positive for BSE shall not be exported to China.


7. Packaging, labelling and storage requirements

Only cleaned and sterilised liquid nitrogen tanks and unused fresh liquid nitrogen shall be used for semen storage, and each batch of semen shall be packed, sealed and marked under the supervision of Hungarian official veterinarians.


8. Quarantine Certificate Requirements

If the quarantine is qualified, Hungary shall issue the animal health certificate in accordance with the certificate sample confirmed by both parties, and the quarantine certificate shall be transported to China together with the exported bovine semen. If there is no valid quarantine certificate or no quarantine certificate when the bovine semen arrives at the port of entry of China, it shall be returned or cancelled.


May 9, 2024

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