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Announcement on imported Egyptian Fresh Mango Plant Quarantine Requirements

According to the requirements of my country's relevant laws and regulations and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Arab Egyptian Republic of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, the Egyptian Fresh Fresh Plant Quarantine requirements are allowed to be imported from Egyptian Fresh Mango in compliance with the following requirements.


1. Inspection and quarantine basis


(1) "The Law of the People's Republic of China";


(2) The "Law of the People's Republic of China in and out of the country" and the implementation regulations;


(3) "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and implementation regulations;


(4) "Measures for the Supervision and Supervision and Supervision and Quarantine of Entry Fruits";


(5) "The General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of the Republic of the Republic of the Egyptian Egypt on Egypt's Fresh Mango Elimination Chinese Plant Quarantine Requirement Memorandum".


2. Allow the name of entering the country


Fresh mango (hereinafter referred to as "mango"), scientific name Mangifera Indica, English name Mango.


Third, the place where allowed


Egyptian mango area.


Fourth, approved orchard, packaging plant and quarantine treatment facilities


The orchards, packaging factories, refrigerators and thermal treatment facilities of the fresh food mango shall be reviewed and filed by the Central Botanical Quarantine Bureau (hereinafter referred to as "Egyptian") of the Arab Egyptian Republic of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. The Department (hereinafter referred to as "China") is approved to register. Registration information includes names, addresses, and registration numbers so that export products can be accurately traced accurate when not in compliance with relevant regulations. The registration list should be provided by the Chinese side before the annual export season. After being approved by the Chinese side, China will announce the registration list on the official website.


5. The list of quarantine and harmful biological lists that China pays attention to


  1. Mediterranean CERATITIS CAPITATA


  2. Peach Fly Bactrocera Zonata


3. Orange cotton lice Aleurothrixus Floccosus


4. Mango Wheel Shield 蚧 AualaSpis Tubercularis


5. Figs Ceroplases Rusci


6. Black silk shield 蚧 Ischnaspis longirostris


7. Palm oyster p Lepidosaphes Pallidula


  8. Lepidosaphes Tapleyi


  9. Fang Mian Fan en Phenacoccus Solenopsis


10. Planococcus FICUS


11. Saissetia Privigna


12. South Africa Orange Hard Thrus SCIRTOTOTHRIPS AURANTII


13. Mango bacterial black spotmia, Xanthomonas CAMPESTRIS PV. Mangiferaeindicae


6. Requirements before export


(1) Orchard management.


  1. In the orchards, we should implement good agricultural operation specifications, maintain the hygiene conditions of the orchard, and timely clean up the fruits (or spray sterilizers and insecticides in time), and cut pruning at the end of the quarter. The transit orchard should perform harmful biological comprehensive treatment, including harmful biological monitoring, physics, chemistry or biological control and controlling harmful creatures, as well as agricultural operations. During the harvest, the fruit must not be mixed into the product fruit.


  2. In accordance with the requirements of international plant quarantine measures No. 6 (ISPM 6), the Fang should organize and implement the orchard monitoring of orchards in the year of the year. Export orchard's harmful biological monitoring and prevention should be completed under the guidance of technical personnel, and technicians must pass the training of the Fang or its authorized agencies.


3. The transit orchard must retain the monitoring and prevention records of harmful creatures, and should be provided to the Chinese side. Control records should include detailed information such as the name of all chemicals, effective ingredients, use concentrations and dates of use in the growth season.


4. For the Mediterranean and Tao solid flies, the Egyptian party should carry out real flies monitoring, prevention and control in accordance with the monitoring plan. It should be required that the Chinese side provides the relevant procedures and results of the above plans.


5. For orange cotton lice, South African orange hard threads and grystum worms, the orchard monitoring is performed every two weeks from the mango germination period to the harvest period. If harmful creatures or corresponding symptoms are found in monitoring, biological or chemical prevention measures are used.


6. For mango bacteria, the germination period from mango to the harvest period, at least once a month, orchard monitoring. If the corresponding suspicious symptoms are found in monitoring, the specimen is required to send laboratory testing. If the laboratory is identified as a mango bacterial black spots, biochemical or chemical prevention measures are used to prevent orchards with incomplete prevention and treatment of China.


(2) Packaging plant management.


  1. The processing, packaging, storage and transportation process of mango must be carried out under the supervision of the Egyptian side.


  2. During the packaging process, mango must be eliminated (diseased fruit, deformed fruit), selection, classification, compressed air blowing and other processes to ensure that there are no insects, mites, rotten fruits, branches, leaves, roots and soils.


3. Mango that has been processed and heat -treated should be stored separately and take measures to avoid re -infection by harmful creatures.


(3) Packaging requirements.


  1. The packaging materials should be clean and unused, which meets the requirements of China's relevant plant quarantine.


  2. Each packaging box uses English marking fruit names, origin, export countries, orchards or its registration number, packaging factory and their registration number. Each packaging box and tray must be marked in Chinese or English: "Export to the People's Republic of China" or "Exported to the People’ s Republic of China ".


3. If the wooden packaging is used, it must meet the requirements of the international plant quarantine measures No. 15 (ISPM 15).


4. The container containing the mango must check whether it has good hygiene conditions when the box is packed. This activity should be recorded for Egyptian inspections.


(4) Quarantine treatment requirements.


  1. The treatment requirements must be completely soaked in water. The temperature of the maximum fruit heart is 46 ° C or above, the treatment is 15 min, and the hot water temperature is 48 ° C.


  2. The thermal treatment operation program must conform to the mango steaming heat treatment operation program (Annex 1) or the mango hot water treatment operation program (Annex 2).


(5) Quarantine before export.


  1. Within two years after the agreement takes effect, Egypt should sample the sample inspection of each batch of Chinese mango at a ratio of 2%. If there is no plant quarantine problem in two years, the sample ratio drops to 1%.


  2. If it is found that the quarantine and harmful biological live body is found, related goods must not be exported to China. The Egyptian side should find out the reason and take improvement measures. At the same time, saving the seizure record should be provided to the Chinese side.


(6) Plant quarantine certificate requirements.


  1. If it is qualified for quarantine, the Egyptian party shall issue a plant quarantine certificate, indicate the name or registration number of the orchard and packaging factory, and fill in the following additional statements: "This consignment complies with requirements spiecified in the mou on phytosanitary Requirement F OR Export of Egypt Fresh Mango TO China, and is free from any quarantine pests of concept to China. "


  2. In the plant quarantine certificate quarantine processing column, fill in the temperature, duration and processing facility name or number of heat treatment.


3. Before the project starts, the Egyptian side should provide Chinese samples with a plant quarantine certificate in order to confirm and record.


7. Entry inspection and quarantine and unqualified treatment


When the losses of China entered the port of China, the Chinese customs implemented quarantine in accordance with the following requirements.


(1) Certificate and logo verification.


  1. Check whether imported fruits obtained the "Entry and Plant Quarantine License".


  2. Check whether the plant quarantine certificate meets the provisions of Article 6 (6) of this announcement.


3. Check whether the logo on the box complies with the provisions of Article 6 (3) of this announcement.


4. Check the heat treatment results report signed by the Egyptian side and the recording of fruit temperature probe correction.


(2) Entry inspection and quarantine.


  1. The loser mango should enter the port and airports of imported fruits from China.


  2. According to relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules, etc., the import and quarantine of imported mangoes is permitted to enter the country.


(3) Do not meet the treatment.


  1. If it is found that those who have not been approved, packaged factories or heat treatment facilities, the batch of goods must not enter the country.


  2. If the heat treatment is determined to be invalid, the batch of goods shall not enter the country.


3. If the quarantine -harmful creatures are found by China, or the new quarantine -harmful biological live body in Egypt, or the foundation of soil, plant residue, etc., the batch of goods will be returned, destroyed or removed.


4. If it is found that it does not meet the national standards of Chinese food safety, it will be returned or destroyed for the batch of goods.


5. If the above -mentioned unqualified situation is found, China will immediately notify the Egyptian side and suspend the mango imports of related orchards and packaging factories as depending on the situation until the entire project is suspended as depending on the situation. Erfang should conduct an investigation immediately in order to find out the reasons and implement corresponding improvement measures. China will evaluate the improvement of improvement measures to decide whether to cancel the suspension measures taken based on the evaluation results.

  Special announcement.


September 22, 2023


Mango steaming processing procedures


1. Steamed heat treatment facilities

(1) Requirements for steaming the site.

1. The steaming treatment area should be located in the recognized fruit packaging factory.

2. The packaging plant should include quarantine zone, collecting area, hierarchical area, steaming treatment area, refrigerated area, packaging area, storage area. There should be isolation facilities between at least the processing area, packaging area and storage area to prevent harmful creatures such as insects. The handling venue should maintain a good sanitary condition.

(2) Requirements for steaming heat treatment facilities.

1. The steaming treatment facilities should have a suitable configuration to implement effective thermal treatment.

2. The steaming treatment facilities shall be reviewed by the Egyptian side and approved by the Chinese side. The Egyptian party should provide China with facilities and preliminary test results in advance.

(3) Registration list.

Before each export season, China will evaluate whether the processing facilities meet the relevant requirements in order to update the registration list.

2. Temperature and humidity monitoring equipment

(1) temperature and humidity recorder.

1. Can automatically record and store data measured by all temperature and humidity probes.

2. There are sufficient amounts of temperature and humidity probe connection.

3. Temperature record display accuracy is 0.1 ° C, and can print out the date, time and humidity data of each probe according to a certain time interval (such as every 5 min).

(2) Temperature and humidity probes.

1. The precise requirements for the temperature probe reach ± 0.1 ° C.

2. It should be ensured that a sufficient amount of temperature and humidity probes should be guaranteed to determine the fruit heart temperature of more than one or more positions set in the upper, neutral and lower layers of the upper, neutral and lower layers, and the space temperature and humidity at the space of more than one position.

3. All temperature probes shall be corrected by quarantine personnel. The probe with an error of more than ± 0.3 ° C cannot be used and replaced.

(3) Method of temperature probe correction.

1. Use the identified standard mercury thermometer.

2. Put the probe and standard thermometer in the constant temperature water bath box together, heat the water bath box to the treatment index temperature (such as 47 ° C). By adjusting the temperature setting of the water bath box, the standard thermometer temperature is maintained at the target temperature. After stabilizing 30 min, use the temperature recorder to record the temperature of the temperature probe, record once every 5 min, repeat the record 3 times, take the average value, calculate the error of the temperature probe and the standard thermometer, take more than 2 or more error values of the same error. As a correction.

(4) The frequency of temperature probe.

1. In the steaming season, the temperature probe must be corrected every 14 days.

2. When the automatic temperature recorder is used to be repaired or replaced by parts, the temperature probe must be corrected again.

3. When the temperature probe is replaced, the temperature probe must be corrected.

4. Quarantine personnel believe that if necessary, the temperature probe must be corrected.

3. Technical indicators of steaming heat treatment

The minimum relative humidity is 95%. During the temperature and temperature treatment temperature, the temperature recorder automatically records the probe temperature and humidity every 5 min, and the entire heat processing process (including heating, treatment and cooling) time is not less than 2 h. Mango (maximum fruit) fruit temperature 46.5 ° C, 10 min treatment time.

Fourth, steaming processing procedures

(1) Load.

1. Mango is evenly arranged on the steaming tray after loading with a dedicated container.

2. The overload of the indoor fruits in thermal treatment is not less than 1/3 of the maximum load limit.

(2) Placement of temperature probes.

1. Each steaming tray is inserted at least 1 probe, and according to the temperature measurement results, place the minimum temperature zone indoors in the steaming treatment room (the lowest temperature distribution area in the lowest temperature distribution area is at the lowest part of the temperature at the top of the goods at the top of the cargo). Each batch of steaming treatment is at least 9 temperature probes.

2. Take the maximum mango and insert the probe from the end of the fruit to the vicinity of the seed shell, but the tip of the probe cannot be exposed to the shell.

3. The temperature measurement fruit of the insertion is placed at the top of the hot tray, and the probe line needs to be fixed.

(3) Steamed heat treatment.

1. Heating period. When the relative humidity of the indoor steaming interior is 60% -90%, the use of saturated thermal steam is slowly heated from room temperature to 43 ° C. This process accounts for about 2/3 of the entire processing time; When the relative humidity of the thermal treatment room is greater than 90%, the saturated steam continues to quickly heated to the fruit heart temperature of 46.5 ° C.

2. Processing period. When the temperature of all mango fruit with a temperature probe reaches 46.5 ° C, the relative humidity of the steaming treatment room is greater than 95%, and the steam of saturated water is maintained and the treatment time is 10 min.

3. Cooling period. Cold water spraying, cold water soaking, and air -cooled fruits after steaming treatment to reduce the temperature of the center of the fruit to below 30 ° C. When water is cold, effective chlorine is required in water, and its content does not exceed 200 PPM.

5. Temperature record review

When mango arrives at the Chinese port, the temperature probe correction report and processing temperature records that Egyptian officials endorsed by Egyptian officials must be reviewed by Chinese customs personnel.


Mango hot water treatment operation program


1. Hot water treatment facilities

(1) Requirements for hot water treatment venues.

1. The hot water treatment facilities should be set up in the recognized fruit packaging factory.

2. The packaging plant should include quarantine zone, collecting area, hierarchical area, hot water treatment area, refrigerated area, packaging area, storage area. At least there should be isolation facilities between the treatment area, packaging area and storage area to prevent harmful creatures such as insects. The handling venue should maintain a good sanitary condition.

(2) Requirements for hot water treatment facilities.

1. The hot water treatment facilities should have a suitable configuration to implement effective thermal treatment.

2. The hot water treatment facilities shall be reviewed by the Egyptian side and approved by the Chinese side. The Egyptian party should provide China with facilities and preliminary test results in advance.

(3) Registration list

Before each export season, China will evaluate whether the processing facilities meet the relevant requirements in order to update the registration list.

2. Temperature monitoring equipment

(1) temperature recorder.

1. Can automatically record and store data determined by all temperature probes.

2. There is a sufficient amount of temperature probe connection.

3. The temperature record display accuracy is 0.1 ° C, and the date, time and temperature data of each probe can be printed and output according to a certain time interval (such as every 5 min).

(2) Temperature probe.

1. The accuracy of the temperature probe is ± 0.1 ° C.

2. It should be guaranteed that there are sufficient amounts of temperature probes, and the temperature probe of hot water treatment facilities is not less than 3.

3. All temperature probes shall be corrected by quarantine personnel. The probe with an error of more than ± 0.3 ° C cannot be used and replaced.

(3) Method of temperature probe correction.

1. Use the identified standard mercury thermometer.

2. Put the probe and standard thermometer in the constant temperature water bath box together, heat the water bath box to the treatment index temperature (such as 47 ° C). By adjusting the temperature setting of the water bath box, the standard thermometer temperature is maintained at the target temperature. After stabilizing 30 min, use the temperature recorder to record the temperature of the temperature probe, record once every 5 min, repeat the record 3 times, take the average value, calculate the error of the temperature probe and the standard thermometer, take more than 2 or more error values of the same error. As a correction.

(4) The frequency of temperature probe.

1. In the mango hot water treatment season, the temperature probe must be corrected every 14 days.

2. When the automatic temperature recorder is used to use or replace the temperature recorder after the failure is repaired, the temperature probe must be re -corrected.

3. When the temperature probe is replaced, the temperature probe must be corrected.

4. Quarantine officials believe that if necessary, the temperature probe must be corrected.

3. Technical indicators of hot water treatment

The temperature of the hot water is 48 ° C, the fruit heart temperature of the mango (maximum fruit) is 46 ° C or more, and the processing time lasts 15 min.

Fourth, hot water treatment operation procedures

(1) Treatment of water.

Treatment of water should be used for clean water that meets national standards.

(2) Placement of temperature probes.

1. Each batch of hot water treatment must be at least 3 temperature probes.

2. Take the maximum mango and insert the probe from the end of the fruit to the vicinity of the seed shell, but the tip of the probe cannot be exposed to the shell.

(3) Hot water treatment.

1. During the treatment, the fruit must be immersed in the water surface 10 cm.

2. Processing period. When the water temperature reaches 48 ° C and the temperature of all mango with a temperature probe reaches 46 ° C or above, the treatment time is 15 min.

3. Cooling period. Cold water spraying, cold water soaking, and air -cooled fruits after the treatment of hot water treatment to reduce the temperature of the center of the fruit below 30 ° C. When water is cold, effective chlorine is required in water, and its content does not exceed 200 PPM.

5. Temperature record review

When mango arrives at the Chinese port, the temperature probe correction report and processing temperature records that Egyptian officials endorsed by Egyptian officials must be reviewed by Chinese customs personnel.

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